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People who support me! And why!

Endorsements: Press


Disability Activist

Doubtlessly, I endorse Simran Tatuskar as the candidate for president of Brandeis’ Student Union. Simran embodies the characteristics of empathy, engagement, and curiosity - she genuinely wants to improve the lives of all the students here on campus. She doesn’t wait idly by for problems to resolve themselves - she throws herself into action, getting into the thick of every movement, creating tangible results. In her short time as Secretary, she’s helped facilitate crucial conversations and changes with administration surrounding the rights of disabled students. She’s a well respected member of the community in the eyes of the student body as well as admin, whose determination will ensure that any grand scale task she puts her mind to will be accomplished with no settlements. As a vocal member of the accessibility movement on the Brandeis campus, I can tell you that she’s really forced attention and awareness on the issue. Administration hoped it would die down after that (atrocious) forum, but she’s used her own personal strength and determination to keep the conversation alive and active at the higher tiers, through both her position as Secretary as well as on the Student Health and Safety Board. She’s spoken directly with the Dean Admins, the science departments, and the Branvan services, to help ensure that the needs of the disabled community are met. Personally, I believe she is one - if not the - strongest alley that we have in the movement. She carries herself with grace and poise allowing her to control every situation she steps into. She’s truly a well respected (and loved) member of the Brandeis community, because of her spirit and tenaciousness - I’ve heard professors refer to her as “a badass” outside of their classrooms. She’s already assumed the position of presidency through her own activism - I think it’s best that we give her the formal title she deserves.

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SEAC Outreach Chair

Chemistry UDR

As someone whom is consistently involved with matters pertaining to the student body, Simran Tatuskar is a prime candidate for representing your ideas. From her initiates in GirlUp, to her work as a Secretary, Simran has consistently been able to speak towards students' needs here at Brandeis, and I am fully confident that she will as President as well. Simran has also been pivotal with her work as the Co-chair of health and Safety in assisting students with the processes of NCOs and working through title IX logistics, further speaking towards her ability to effectively work with students through stressful and difficult processes. If her ability to galvanize more than 50 professors to attend a single event isn't impressive enough, I am certain that This Woman will bring greater action to the University.



UTC Hillel Coordinator

Film Program UDR

Co-coordinator for Brandeis Generations

During her short time at Brandeis, Simran has shown true dedication in both the academic and extracurricular spheres. Simran’s passion to empower students on campus, especially women, of all backgrounds and identities, cements her as a qualified candidate in this Spring’s election. One need only look to her work with GirlUp to see Simran’s exemplary work--on campus and off. Her Student Union experience as secretary, combined with the initiatives she has spearheaded show Simran's dedication to physical and mental health issues on campus, accessibility initiatives, and more.



MAL (Member at Large) of DPhiE

Simran's work towards female empowerment on this campus and around the world (with GirlUp) demonstrates her compassion and determination to fulfill her responsibilities as president, and to ensure all student's voices are heard and uplifted.



Refugee Activist

Simran Tatuskar is an incredible, hard-working and intelligent member of the Brandeis community Although I only started to hang out with her this Spring semester, I couldn't help but notice her drive to improve the world around her and her commitment to bettering the lives of others. She is witty, diligent and an unstoppable force and I can't think of a better person for this position than Simran.

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Associate Justice of the Judiciary

The first time I met Simran, she sent no less than 10 emails coordinating details of new initiatives she was spearheading in the student government. If this does not exemplify her incredible work ethic, I do not know what does. In every sense, she is devoted to this school, this campus, and, most importantly, the people who live here. I know she can be an excellent Student Union President, and I encourage you all to make the right choice and vote for Simran.



CA for Skyline

Simran Tatuskar is without a doubt an incredibly driven, passionate individual. She has occupied a number of positions in the Student Union and fought for important changes that have contributed - and are still contributing - to making Brandeis a safer, more inclusive space for all students. Her genuine concern for the issues her constituency face shines through interactions with her and I am certain she has the vision and dedication of a leader that Brandeisians deserve.



Treasurer of GirlUp Brandeis

I have worked with Simran on the e-board of GirlUp since the beginning of our freshman year, having seen her in the roles of event coordinator last year and president this year. She is incredibly hardworking, persistent and organized, having planned enormous events, such as the recent GirlUp Cupcake Gala, by contacting over 50 Brandeis professors individually. In her leadership, she is assertive yet fair, which fosters a strong sense of responsibility and accountability for the rest of the eboard. She is constantly professional, works great under pressure and is very skilled at balancing the things she has to do, as she is very involved in the Brandeis community through avenues other than GirlUp. She is always bringing new and original ideas to the table for events that we do, and constantly has an open mind, never shying away from challenges. At every opportunity possible, she is determined to make GirlUp bigger and better, and spread awareness of its mission as far as it can be spread. Finally, she is extremely passionate, confident, and patient as a person, which are essential qualities for a great leader, which she will be if you vote for her as the President of the Student Union.



Executive Senator​

Class of 2019 Senator

Senate Sustainability Chair

Undoubtedly the most deserving and qualified candidate running for President. She's done so much in so little time. Truly an impressive worker who will do her best to represent students with dignity.



TA of COSI12B: Advanced Programming Techniques

Publicist of Proscenium A Cappella

Event Coordinator of BITMAP: Brandeis Initiative for Technology, Machines, Applications, & Programming,

Fmr. National Director of Education of TAMID Group

Simran would be a phenomenal President of the Student Union. She is the epitome of hardworking and always astounds me with what she's accomplished by the next time I see her. She handles her positions with passion and grace and has managed to make real progress for the Student Union. She is an outstanding friend and I know she'd be an even more outstanding President.



Prior President of BADASS

Orientation Leader Caption

Simran would be great on Student Union. While I was President of debate, she coordinated and organized a joint event with Girl-Up to address issues of gender discrimination on campus. Throughout the whole process, she was approachable, creative, and totally reliable. The event was successful because she put so much effort. In the time I have known Simran, she has consistently shown a drive to fix problems on campus. I have no doubt she will do an amazing job when she’s on the Student Union.



President of Pre-Health Society

Treasurer of Animal Appreciation Society

Simran is totally invested in whatever she puts her mind to, and is clearly passionate about the student body through her dedication to multiple clubs and student life on campus. I would be proud to have her as the President of our Student Union.



Off-Campus Senator

I think Simran is the best choice for president because of her incredible work ethic. It can be argued that she keeps the union together through her tireless work in the union office, her attending all committee meetings, and holding all of us senators accountable to ourselves. She is an influential voice in the rules committee and brings a new perspective to improving the union. I believe there is no better choice than Simran for president.



Rosenthal and Skyline Senator

Chair of the Health and Safety Committee

When I first met Simran as a Cable Hall neighbor freshman year, I could tell she could work fast and think faster. I’ve never met anyone so capable, competent, and most importantly productive. I invited her to be my co-chair on the Health and Safety Committee because I knew there was no one better for the job, and she kept leaping over the bars set for her with a mile in between them. In less than a semester as Secretary, she has been more productive than a good chunk of the union. Along with a demanding union schedule, Simran is involved in so many clubs and committees that if she were to vanish tomorrow I am convinced Brandeis would need at least half a dozen people to fill the void she’d leave. There is no one better to help run the Union, which she is basically already doing. No one can get through to administrators like she can. No one can juggle as much as she can. She is everywhere and in everything and she is single-handedly making Brandeis a better place because of it. She is hands down the most productive member of the student body and has my vote in whatever she runs for. Hell, if she ran against me I’d still probably vote for her. I’m proud to endorse Simran Tatuskar for whatever she runs for and prouder still to be her friend.



Ziv and Ridgewood Quad Senator

Senate Dining Committee Chair

Simran Tatuskar epitomizes what it means to be a member of the Student Union, having worked tirelessly behind the scenes this past year to serve the Brandeis community. Starting as a member of the Senate Health and Safety Committee, Simran quickly rose through the ranks, now serving as the Committee’s Co-Chair, a key member of the Rules and Dining Committees, and Secretary to the Student Union. From enforcing the Student Union Code of Conduct and revamping office hours, to securing condoms for all of the freshman bathrooms, to coordinating with faculty, administrators, and club leaders from all corners of campus to improve student accessibility, Simran has proven time and again her ability to effect real change at Brandeis and willingness to go beyond the call of duty to fulfill her campaign promises. Topped off by her status as the only person running with Executive Board experience—a vital asset for any future president—it is clear to me that Simran is the most qualified candidate for the job.



Director of Academic Affairs

Simran is an exemplar of the values and skills necessary to preside over the Student Union; hard work, passion, perseverance, and a commitment to the student body. Throughout her time on the Union, albeit brief, Simran has demonstrated to me that she embodies these characteristics. She is committed to enacting positive change on campus and holding the administration accountable. I wholeheartedly support her candidacy for President.



VP of Marketing for TAMID

Ambassador at Student Admissions


Project Manager for TAMID

Support Specialist at SIMS

Simran Tatuskar is one of the most dedicated, fierce, and passionate people that I have had the privilege of meeting during my time at Brandeis. Throughout my friendship with Simran, she has proven to be a loyal friend who will fight for you until the end. She has done so many amazing things for this campus — from working diligently on the Brandeis Health and Safety Committee, to singlehandedly gathering 50 badass women like herself at GirlUp’s Cupcake Gala to speak about the successes and struggles that women go through in both social and professional settings. I couldn’t possibly list all of the achievements that Simran has accomplished during her two years on campus. I could not more strongly endorse any other candidate than I could Simran Tatuskar.



UTC Costume Designer

Simran Tatuskar is qualified for this president because she cares about people. She’s made herself one of the people, through her unwavering outgoing attitude. She’s engrained herself so thoroughly into the Brandeis community, and I’ve never heard anything bad said about her. Being friends with basically the entire student body helps Simran understand what we want. Simran for president!

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Treasurer of Kappa Beta Gamma

Marketing Assistant of TAMID

From my experience with working with Simran, she goes above and beyond to get any task at hand done. We were co-formal chairs, and she worked tirelessly to find a venue with me. She is a very hard working and creative person that would contribute a significant amount to Brandeis if she is given the role of President. She has taken an innumerable amount of responsibilities on campus that proves she has the leadership to succeed as President.



Senior Representative to the Board of Trustees

Senator to Class of 2018

I happily endorse Simran Tatuskar for President of the Student Union. Her enthusiasm and commitment to driving Brandeis forward is exactly why I believe she will encourage and bring out tremendous positive change for the University and our student body. I encourage you to vote for her because there is much work to do here at Brandeis and we need a leader who strategically take it on.



East Quad Senator

Simran Tatuskar is not only hard working, brilliantly smart, and kind but she’s also a fighter. During my time on the Health and Safety Committee with her, I’ve observed that Simran is never the type of take the easy route but rather she follows the path that she feels is right. I’ve seen her convince administrators to care about causes she fights passionately for. To put it bluntly, she has a strong head on her shoulders and a take no shit attitude. I think it is this type of genuine devotion and persistence that would make a good Student Union Council President.

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